Friday, May 20, 2011

11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass

*** out of ****

        11 Birthdays is a cute book by Wendy Mass. The protagonist of the book (for those of you who haven't had eighth grade English yet, a protagonist is the main character) experiences something that many people have experienced before: She's trapped in the same day over and over again. However, this book has some twists (the icing) and details (the sprinkles) that adds to the common plot (the cake). 

      Amanda is your typical 11 year old living in the small town of Willow Falls. She goes to school, has best friends, all the typical stuff you'd expect from the average 11 year old girl. Her birthday is coming up, which she shares with her ex-best friend, Leo. Amanda and Leo had been best friends since they were born (literally, their moms met when they just got out of the hospital). Until their tenth birthday, when Leo had said something unforgivable that Amanda wasn't supposed to hear. Now, on their 11th birthday, Leo is holding the birthday bash that everyone wants to attend, while Amanda is stuck with a few friends at her lame party. She can't wait until her birthday is over, but hmm, fate's not always nice, is it? Amanda relives her torturous birthday over and over again, and she might be stuck being 11 forever...

    I'd rate 11 Birthdays *** out of ****, because it was a cute book, but it wasn't satisfying enough. It would be great for younger preteens, like, oh, I don't know, 11 year olds or 12 year olds. But, dear readers, this is a blog for teenagers, not for preteens. So if I was to use the metaphor of the cake again with this book, 11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass would be a delicious, and well baked cake. But a small one, that just isn't satisfying enough. 

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