Monday, September 27, 2010

Untamed by P.C. and Kristin Cast

***and a 1/2 out of ****
        Now, the real action starts to happen in Untamed. The fourth installment in the House of Night, it introduces more new ideas, and now you start to understand why things happen in Marked, Betrayed, and Chosen. It all leads to one big explosion of a plot, and that explosion starts in Untamed.

        So, we resume to Zoey's friendless (that includes boyfriends for Zoey) life. For some weird reason, Stevie Rae, Zoey's best vampyre friend, has turned into a new kind of vampyre with red markings instead of blue, and Aphrodite, Zoey's enemy-turned-friend, has turned into a new kind of human, who has lost her mark but still has supernatural powers. When humans start killing adult vampyres, Neferet, the high priestess (otherwise known as a principal of a vampyre school), declares war on humans. Zoey and Neferet have an enemy thing going on, so Zoey knows the war can't be good. Neferet has turned her back on their goddess Nyx, and started listening to an ancient evil spirit to help aid her in the war. Now nobody will believe Zoey with her suspicions, because that was all part of Neferet's evil plan.

        I liked Untamed better than the first 3 books, because it introduced more new and orginal ideas. Huh, Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer is the 4th book in the series, and it's also one of my faves. I guess I got a thing for 4th books in vampire series (haha). The vampire thing is getting old, but Untamed mixed Cherokee tradition with vampires, resulting in a really cool plot.

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